
Explore Candy Chain's roadmap: From platform launch, developer tools, and cross-chain integration to DeFi expansion, community growth, and enterprise solutions!

  • Q3 2023 - Platform Launch

    • Deploy Wrapped Candy

    • Whitepaper Development

    • Discovery & Concept

    • Litepaper Release

  • Q4 2023 - Developer Tools & Ecosystem

    • UI & UX Release

    • Bridge Release

    • Whitepaper Release

    • Strategic Partnerships

  • Q1 2024 - Cross-Chain Integration

    • Release of Candy Chain mainnet

    • Release of SDKs & APIs.

    • Staking Enabled

    • Bridging Enabled

  • Q2 2024 - Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Expansion

    • Influencer Partnership

    • $CANDY Airdrop

    • Multichain Operational

    • Wallet Release

  • Q3 2024 - Community Growth & Engagement

    • Community initiatives, including forums, AMAs, and meetups.

    • Expansion of global community management team.

  • Q4 2024 - Enterprise Partnerships & Solutions

    • Collaboration with enterprises for blockchain solutions.

    • Tailoring Candy Chain services for industry-specific needs.

  • 2025 and Beyond - Continuous Innovation & Growth

    • Regular updates, features, and enhancements.

    • Exploring new technologies and potential market expansion.

Last updated